
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Frances gift to the college student

     The French have given us many things to enjoy; The tasty french vanilla, creme brulee, art, rudeness, the white flag, bad jokes about coward-ism and French press coffee. There is no doubt that a student is fueled by caffeine and that the leading source is coffee. While other students prefer tea this can still be useful to you. Some colleges will allow a microwave in the room but not a coffee pot due to the exposed heat plate that the decanter will sit on. Some schools will allow a Keurig machine while others will not. But, fear not there is something that yields a superior cup of Joe to expensive modern ways to brew the mornings ambition.
     The French Press may seem alien to some as it tends to be a unconventional way to the American thought of brewing Coffee, Espresso or Cappuccino with our good friend Mr.Coffee. The difference is that there is not a place that this could be considered a fire hazard as it is only a glass vessel with a lid and a straining disk on it. Also the press is relatively cheap to buy compared to the coffee pot.
     To use it you will need the fallowing:

  1. The French press
  2. Ground Coffee, Espresso, Tea leaves what or ever your poison is that you love to drink while you cram.
  3. A microwave safe mug / Measuring cup that can hold more water then your press can hold. (Some will turn to vapor while it heats up)
  4. A drinking mug
  5. spoon
  6. *Fixings if you can't handle the purity of the drink.

  • Step 1: Spoon the coffee into the press (see what the company recommends as to proportions for water to grounds or leaves
  • Step 2: Fill the measuring cup and put it in the microwave to boil (Keep watching it at all times in case of overly rapid boiling)
  • Step 3: Poor the water into the press
  • Step 4: place the lid on with the disk at the top( Do not push the disk to the bottom as it will render the efforts useless
  • Step 5: Wait about 5 Minutes
  • Step 6: push the disk to the bottom
  • Step 7: poor out and enjoy.

There are a ton of great types of flavors out there to explore and you are not limited by what k-cups are available

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