I don't care about if you are the one to procrastinate on that project, presentation or speech. It is not your quality that I as a student care about either. The only thing that I do not understand is when students don't do the assignment and then try to come up with a lame excuse as to the reason why.
There is this document called the Syllabus and that for those who are not in the college world or just as a reminder to the rest of us who dosed off during the first day; is the bible on how the class is to be run and what is expected form the professor and the students. There is little to no room to negotiate depending on who your professor is. I question the fact of how elastic the syllabus can be but some in my Public Speaking have almost snapped it in three pieces. Why push the limit of that with lame excuses? Seriously?

The detail of the fact that all classes are expensive and that this is a waste of money. The class in question roughly costs $200 a day. I know that a lot of people don't like to publicly speak but in a private college of 700 students the class sises are small so speaking to a group of 15 other students shouldn't be that difficult. My beef with it is that if no one had their speech on the day that is scheduled for them the class gets cancelled. I want to learn. I want to do well. but how can I do both when the other students are being children. Man up and admit that you dun guft it.